Explain structure of compiler / Explain phases of compiler / Analysis synthesis model of compilation

  • Explain structure of compiler OR
  • Explain phases of compiler OR
  • Analysis synthesis model of compilation OR
  • Write output of phases of a compiler. for a = a + b * c * 2; type of a, b, c are float

Two parts of compilation process:

  1. Analysis phase: The main objective of the analysis phase is to break the source code into parts and then arranges these pieces into a meaningful structure.
  2. Synthesis phase: Synthesis phase is concerned with generation statement which has the same meaning as the source statement.
Analysis Phase: Analysis part is divided into three sub parts,
  1. Lexical analysis
  2. Syntax analysis
  3. Semantic analysis
Lexical analysis: 
  • Lexical analysis is also called linear analysis or scanning.
  • Lexical analyzer reads the source program and then it is broken into stream of units. Such units are called token.
  • Then it classifies the units into different lexical classes. E.g. id’s, constants, keyword etc...and enters them into different tables.
  • For example, in lexical analysis the assignment statement a: = a + b * c * 2 would be grouped into the following tokens:
a Identifier 1
= Assignment sign
a Identifier 1
+ The plus sign
b Identifier 2
* Multiplication sign
c Identifier 3
* Multiplication
2 Number 2

Syntax Analysis:
  • Syntax analysis is also called hierarchical analysis or parsing.
  • The syntax analyzer checks each line of the code and spots every tiny mistake that the programmer has committed while typing the code.
  • If code is error free then syntax analyzer generates the tree.
Syntax Analysis

Semantic analysis:
  • Semantic analyzer determines the meaning of a source string.
  • For example matching of parenthesis in the expression, or matching of if..else statement or performing arithmetic operation that are type compatible, or checking the scope of operation.
Semantic analysis

Synthesis phase: synthesis part is divided into three sub parts,
  1. Intermediate code generation
  2. Code optimization
  3. Code generation

Intermediate code generation:
  • The intermediate representation should have two important properties, it should be easy to produce and easy to translate into target program.
  • We consider intermediate form called “three address code”.
  • Three address code consist of a sequence of instruction, each of which has at most three operands.
  • The source program might appear in three address code as,
t1= int to real(2)
t2= id3 * t1
t3= t2 * id2
t4= t3 + id1
id1= t4

Code optimization:
  • The code optimization phase attempt to improve the intermediate code.
  • This is necessary to have a faster executing code or less consumption of memory.
  • Thus by optimizing the code the overall running time of a target program can be improved.
t1= id3 * 2.0
t2= id2 * t1
id1 = id1 + t2

Code generation: 
  • In code generation phase the target code gets generated. The intermediate code instructions are translated into sequence of machine instruction.
MOV id3, R1
MUL #2.0, R1
MOV id2, R2
MUL R2, R1
MOV id1, R2
ADD R2, R1
MOV R1, id1

Symbol Table:
  • A symbol table is a data structure used by a language translator such as a compiler or interpreter.
  • It is used to store names encountered in the source program, along with the relevant attributes for those names.
  • Information about following entities is stored in the symbol table.
    • Variable/Identifier
    • Procedure/function
    • Keyword
    • Constant
    • Class name
    • Label name
Symbol Table

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